Elements Program

The "Elements" class is designed to introduce new members of our community to the fundamental movements of our program in a small group setting.  The individual must attend all the Elements classes before they enter group classes. The classes will run 6:00pm-7:00pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Each program will start on Monday and end on the Friday .  New clients must sign up for a week that they can attend all classes.  If the individual does not feel ready to enter group classes, they have the option to remain in the Elements class for a discounted rate or sign up for private one-on-one training.  Coaches may recommend extended Elements classes or One-on-One coaching if he or she feels that this is necessary to ensure client safely.
Here is an outline for the three Elements classes.  Each class will include a brief speed, agility or Mobility WOD for a warm-up.
Price:  $75.00

Class 1-Monday
The Air Squat
The Press
The Deadlift 
Fit member with band for Pull-ups
Pullup Intro


Class 2-Wednesday
The Front Squat
The Push Press
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull

10 Push Press PVC

Class 3-Friday
The Overhead Squat
The Push Jerk
The Medicine ball clean

7 Med Ball Cleans
7 Push Jerks